Fuchsia Shadowdancer® 'Sophia' will produce elegant pendant like tubular flowers with light pink sepals, purple petals from late Winter through Summer.
Shadowdancer® are more resilient than other Fuchsia, being bred for early flowering, and higher sun and heat tolerance. Shadowdancer® 'Sophia' produces tear-drop shaped delicate blooms of purple petals clasped in light pink sepals with prominent stamens.
Fuchsia Shadowdancer® is superb in sheltered garden beds and borders out of the hottest sun and are wonderful as container plants for courtyards and patios. Combine with other lightshade loving plants to make beautiful mixed plantings in garden feature, hanging pots, or window boxes. Shadowdancer® can also be potted and grown indoors with high levels of indirect light, no draughts and adequate water.
Plant in fertile, well-drained potting mix or soil, which should never be allowed to dry out. Fuchsias like humidity, so if you take one inside, consider lining a shallow dish with pebbles and fill it with water; this helps create a humid micro-climate while holding the plant up out of the water. A plant mister can also be beneficial, especially if your indoor plants seem susceptible to spider mites. Regular, half-strength applications of liquid fertiliser will keep your plant healthy. Remove spent flowers and berry fruit to encourage more blooms over a long flowering period.
The Shadowdancer® series was selected by a fuchsia enthusiast in Germany. This breeder's dedication has made a lasting impact on how the Fuchsia is regarded and revolutionised its place in our gardens and homes.
Wear gloves & wash hands after gardening.